User Feedback

"I use this tool every day and have seen the benefits and watched it do more than we thought it could. It is simple, self-explanatory and involves front-line workers and families like no other tool does."
- Bryan D. Gay
Care Aide, Menno Place LTC, B.C.

When asked to rate PreviewED© in terms of ease of use Personal Support Workers rated it at 1-2 , very easy to use.

I feel that my work is more valued now that I am using the PreviewED© tool.
- Personal Support Worker

When a focus group of staff in Pilot 1 was asked if they had a loved one in a LTC facility would they want the facility to be using PreviewED© their response was a unanimous YES, Absolutely.

PreviewED© makes it easier to communicate the changes in residents' health status.
- Personal Support Worker

This tool PreviewED©, helps confirm my impressions of change in the condition of a resident.
- Personal Support Worker

Now that we are using PreviewED© I find it easier to describe to the physician what is changing about the resident and I have a score to help communicate the level of severity of the change.
- Registered Staff

PreviewED© helped us to communicate with a family who were having difficulty accepting that their loved one was in the end-of-life stage. Through completion of the tool daily, they were able to see that their loved one would be better served staying in our facility with staff she knew and a familiar environment. The family appreciated the peaceful passing of their loved one and their ability to be present.
- Manager, LTC facility

PreviewED© helped us avoid an influenza outbreak. Completion of the tool indicated that 2 of our residents were demonstrating signs and symptoms of influenza. We were able to isolate them and avoid the other residents contracting the virus. This year is the first year we have sent no one to ED for influenza.
- Executive Director, LTC facility

We have learned why it is imperative to complete this tool on every resident every day. We ended up sending a resident to ED who had been diaphoretic for two days however no PreviewED© had been completed. If it had been, we would have avoided this transfer.
- Manager LTC facility

We are the sole owners of the information collected on this site. We only have access to/collect information that you voluntarily give us via email or other direct contact from you. We will not sell or rent this information to anyone.

We will use your information to respond to you, regarding the reason you contacted us. We will not share your information with any third party outside of our organization.